Apple AR: Warby Parker Uses Face ID in iPhone X to Measure Your Face for Glasses

Warby Parker Uses Face ID in iPhone X to Measure Your Face for Glasses

Online glasses retailer Warby Parker built its reputation by selling fashionable yet affordable eyeglasses, so it perhaps a surprise that it's one of the first developers to take advantage of the technology in the least affordable iPhone yet.

While other developers are making adjusting to their apps to account for the infamous camera notch, Warby Parker decided to update its Glasses app to directly leverage the Face ID facial recognition system. Now, in the updated version of the app, Glasses can measure the user's face to estimate which frames will fit best.

After scanning the user's face and calculating the results, the app filters the selections that would work best.

And to assuage any fears that the face scans might fall into the wrong hands, a message within the app assures users that neither facial measurements nor images are stored by the company.

Images by Scott Stein/Twitter

Oddly, the current version of Warby Parker's app doesn't use the capabilities of the iPhone X to show how its frames might look on the user's face with AR photo effects, something that Ray Ban accomplishes with lesser AR tech. Nonetheless, after the scanning process, Warby Parker customers can then opt to evaluate the frames via the company's home try-on program.

Despite the limited use of the smartphone's TrueDepth camera system with the app, it's important to consider that the iPhone X hasn't been available for very long, so give it some time, and maybe there'll be a surprise in the next Glasses app update.

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Cover image via Warby Parker

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