News: Audi Drives into AR Ahead of SpaceX Moon Landing Mission

Audi Drives into AR Ahead of SpaceX Moon Landing Mission

Amazingly, SpaceX founder Elon Musk just launched a Tesla into space, bound for Mars. But just because you're not a billionaire with drone rockets at your disposal, that doesn't mean you can't participate in the automobile-infused future of space here on Earth.

Audi has just launched Quattro Coaster, an iOS app that lets you sample what it's like to pilot an Audi Quattro in the comfort of you home in augmented reality. The AR app gives you several road options that mirror the four seasons (including snowy terrain), and you can even create your own virtual racing track full of twists and turns (hence the roller "coaster" in the app's name).

Image by Audi/YouTube

Once launched, the app lets you view life-sized and miniature versions of the Audi Q2, the Audi Q5, the Audi Q7, and the Audi A7. Unfortunately, it appears that the app hasn't made it to the US version of Apple's iOS App Store yet, but you can check it out via the iOS App Store for Norway (and other select countries).

But aside from marrying cutting-edge technology with cars, the Audi Quattro brand has another connection to Tuesday's SpaceX/Tesla launch — space travel. While Musk's Tesla Roadster makes its way toward Mars, Audi is preparing to send an extraterrestrial version of the Quattro series designed to traverse the surface of the Moon. It's called the Audi Lunar Quattro.

Image by Audi/YouTube

Several years ago, Audi revealed that it would contribute a rover vehicle to a future mission, and now that mission is at hand. According to those previously announced plans, the Audi Lunar Quattro is slated to be transported on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and land near the Apollo 17 landing site sometime later this year.

When (and if) that happens, we'll likely see stunning footage from the surface of the moon to rival seeing a Tesla plow its way through the void of space. In the meantime, back on Earth, we can put our virtual Audi cars through their paces in AR while watching the progress of Musk's own auto brand go where no car has ever gone before.

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Cover image via Audi/YouTube

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