News: HBO Returns to the AR Well with 'Watchmen' Lens on Snapchat

HBO Returns to the AR Well with 'Watchmen' Lens on Snapchat

After leaning on augmented reality for its outdoor advertising, HBO has called on augmented reality again via Snapchat to promote its Watchmen series.

On Thursday, the Snapchat app for iOS and Android displayed an AR Lens sponsored by HBO that turns users into two of the characters.

The Lens uses the swipe mechanism that Snapchat has deployed for promotions for Terminator: Dark Fate and World of Warcraft to toggle between AR masks. Swipe left to become masked detective Angela Abar. Swipe right to become the character Looking Glass.

Images by Tommy Palladino/Next Reality

In addition, the AR camera effect uses background segmentation to more fully immerse users in the experience, and adds the ominous sound of a ticking clock and a driving beat, evoking the mysterious tension and atmosphere of the HBO series.

The last time HBO put this much augmented reality marketing effort into a series was for the final season of Game of Thrones, which benefited a Snapchat installation at SXSW, a broader round of Snapchat AR experiences ahead of its premiere, and a Magic Leap app.

So could the premium cable network have a Magic Leap experience on the way for Watchmen? That would be pure speculation, but, for a property that has more than its fair share of fan theories, another one couldn't hurt, could it?

Either way, pop culture fans can expect to continue seeing AR promotions from HBO, and Snapchat clearly has an inside track on delivering those experiences to viewers.

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Cover image via HBO/YouTube

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