News: Miller Lite & Trigger Global Turn St. Patrick's Day into an Augmented Reality Celebration

Miller Lite & Trigger Global Turn St. Patrick's Day into an Augmented Reality Celebration

Every year, fans of Irish culture, as well as those looking to celebrate their own culture, come together on St. Patrick's Day, March 17.

Although beer isn't an official component of the day, many often raise a glass of brew to commemorate the occasion and this year that activity was given a bit of a boost through augmented reality.

US-based beer brand Miller Lite released a web-based AR experience (no app required) that allowed mobile users to visit a special page on its website, scan the logo on a can of Miller Lite, and initiate a meeting with an AR leprechaun.

Images by 8th Wall/Twitter

The cute character pops out of a virtual hole in whatever surface you've selected and sports a Miller Lite-branded hat. After surveying its surroundings, the leprechaun has a couple of tricks up his sleeve, including pulling a can of beer out of his beard, playing a tune on a flute, and going back into his beard to reveal a snake.

To get to the experience, which is no longer available, users had to input their legal drinking age and visit a specific URL. Users were also able to snap a photo of the leprechaun and share it with friends.

Images by 8th Wall/Twitter

Los Angeles and Denmark-based interactive studio Trigger Global developed the experience using 8th Wall and Amazon Sumerian to make everything possible. Trigger Global is the same studio that brought us the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse mobile AR experience last year.

Overall, the short Miller Lite AR experience is a great example of what's possible using web-based AR for marketing. However, based on social media activity, there doesn't seem to be much consumer awareness that the experience was even available.

So while this is a good move into immersive marketing's future for one of the biggest brands in the US, this kind of promotion is only effective if companies work harder to promote their new cutting edge, web-based AR experiences.

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Cover image via 8th Wall/Twitter

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