News: Snapchat Takes a Trip to the Amusement Park with AR for Disney, Universal, & Six Flags

Snapchat Takes a Trip to the Amusement Park with AR for Disney, Universal, & Six Flags

As if riding roller coasters and meeting your favorite childhood cartoon characters weren't amusing enough, Snapchat is amping up the fun with augmented reality at the world's leading amusements parks in the this summer.

According to a company spokesperson, Snapchat now offers geofenced Snapchat Lenses at Disney, Universal, and Six Flags/Warner Bros. parks. The Lenses, which reflect the intellectual property of each parent company, will be available in the carousel once users enter participating parks.

Images via Snap

At Disney parks in Orlando, Anaheim, Paris, Tokyo, and Hong Kong, visitors can wear Mickey or Minnie Mouse ears. Attendees at Universal Studios in Orlando and Hollywood can watch the antics of virtual Minions on their camera view.

Finally, at Six Flags parks across the US and Mexico, as well as the new Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi opening on July 24, a Superman face effect and 3D Bitmoji Lens (originally presented to commemorate the character's 80th anniversary earlier this year) will be available to thrill seekers. This is the first on-location Snapchat experience for Six Flags parks.

Images via Snap

"We love working with our partners Disney, Universal and Warner Bros. to create augmented reality experiences that allow our users to connect with some of their favorite characters in a totally new way," said Ben Schwerin, vice president of partnerships at Snap, in a statement provided to Next Reality. "We can't wait for Snapchatters to have fun with these lenses when they visit the parks this summer."

Images by Seb Sandford/YouTube

The three companies have been agressive adopters of augmented reality to promote their respective entertainment properties, and Snapchat has partnered with each on previous AR engagements. Therefore, this latest extension of the technology for the theme parks serves as a natural extension of an existing marketing relationship.

Now, when it comes to sharing memories from a theme park trip, attendees will have numerous camera apps at their disposal. And if these latest Lenses are any indication, it looks like Snapchat is aiming to ensure that it will be primary platform theme park visitors use to share those experiences.

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Cover image via Snap

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