Apple AR: Step into A-ha's Classic 'Take On Me' Video with ARKit

Step into A-ha's Classic 'Take On Me' Video with ARKit

Augmented reality has produced some incredible innovations that have revolutionized modern technology. From helping with live surgery to changing the game in marketing and businesses. But without a doubt, the most important thing that augmented reality and ARKit has ever brought us is an AR version of A-ha's iconic "Take On Me" video.

The video demo was posted by Chicago-based TRIXI studios, and I couldn't be more grateful. According to an interview with TRIXI founder at The Verge:

We had portals in PHANTOGEIST on Project Tango last year and instantly thought of the 'Take On Me' video... When ARKit came along, we were very excited by the idea that just 'normal' phones could do such great AR, so it seemed like the perfect situation to stress test what ARKit could do.

The result of that perfect situation is a perfect video. It shows a portal to a recreation of the comic book character come to life in the original music video with A-ha's hit song bopping in the background. When inside the comic book world, you can look back out and see a couple of actual kids dancing outside the portal through the door. The user filming the video also lifts up their hand so that we can see their hand has been stylized like the comic book while they're in the other dimension.

TRIXI's demo once again demonstrates how creative we can be using ARKit, and as they point out, it doesn't have to just be professionals with a ton of augmented reality technology, it can be anyone. So thank you, TRIXI, for this masterpiece.

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Cover image via TRIXI Studios/YouTube

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