Apple AR: VR Developer Captures Movements of Artist & Projects Mimicking Digital Avatar

VR Developer Captures Movements of Artist & Projects Mimicking Digital Avatar

A new demo has given a hint about what's going to be possible in the world of mixed reality, thanks to Apple's ARKit.

The demo comes from Normal VR, a virtual reality developer that is currently working with leading VR platforms such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR. Using an iOS device, a Mac, and a VR headset, Normal VR was able to create the kind of mixed reality that people have been waiting for.

The company recently posted the video demo on Twitter and it has been blowing up. The clip shows one of Normal VR's artists with a VR headset on while the other person films. On the iPhone filming, there is an ARKit-made digital avatar projected into the world. The artist starts painting digitally using the VR headset, and we are able to see the painting she's making thanks to the digital avatar that is mimicking her movements and paint strokes.

What's great about this is that it opens up the possibility for people to interact with content from AR and VR platforms using the ARKit, meaning more shared mixed reality experiences.

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Cover image via Made With ARKit/YouTube

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