Apple AR: New Furniture Arranging App Is Coming Soon, but Not from IKEA

New Furniture Arranging App Is Coming Soon, but Not from IKEA

Furniture arranging apps have been rolling out on different platforms for a while now thanks, in no small part, to augmented reality.

However, people have been waiting to see what the first room arranging app was going to be with Apple's ARKit. Most of the signs pointed to it being an IKEA app ... until now.

Back when the ARKit was first announced, IKEA released a statement a few days later saying that they were currently partnering with Apple to develop their own app to let you virtually rearrange your home. They claimed the app would be the first of its kind, and that they were going to spend a lot of time and money into making sure it was perfect. Which makes a developer beating them to a bunch more than a little funny.

The video demo was created by virtual developer Asher Vollmer, who previously had created Threes Game. Vollmer tweeted about how he had been "playing around" with ARKit and had decided to make a tool for designing rooms. In a later tweet, he expressed that he was not expecting the video to blow up as it did, but told followers about a newsletter they could sign up for to notify them when the app is released.

IKEA's augmented reality app will certainly not be the first of its kind once this app is released. Who knows? Maybe now that they've got more incentive, they can get their app out faster. But it looks like we'll be seeing Vollmer's furniture arranging app a bit sooner since we're already seeing demos.

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Cover image via Made With ARKit/YouTube

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